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Fiona Foo


Praised by the critics for her “unique and beautiful playing style”, Fiona Foo has performed as a solo marimba player in thirty countries, captivating audiences with her impeccable technique and sensational stage movements. She is the recipient of several international prizes including First Prize at the European Music Competition in Italy, First Prize and Best Competitor Prize at the Masterplayers International Music Competition in Switzerland and First Prize of the YAMAHA Europe Music Foundation Award. She is also a prize laureate at The Universal Marimba Competition Belgium. Born in Hong Kong, Fiona Foo graduated from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts with honours for her bachelor’s degree in music. She also studied marimba performance and chamber music at the LUCA School of Arts in Belgium where she obtained two masters degrees with high distinction. Her mentors in percussion include Alan Cumberland (Timpani), Dr. Lung Heung-wing (Western Percussion), Yim Hok-man (Chinese Percussion) and the world-renowned marimba virtuoso Ludwig Albert. Fiona Foo has performed in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, the Mainland, the UK and in the USA. She is an endorsing artist of Adams Musical Instruments (Holland), Pearl Drum Europe & Innovative Percussion (USA).



被譽為「極具張力,展現了獨特的演奏風格」,傅貝怡以馬林巴琴演奏家身份在三十個國家演出,以其無可挑剔的技巧和令人驚嘆的舞台表演吸引觀眾。她亦在多個國際比賽中取得了驕人成績,包括意大利歐洲音樂比賽第一名、瑞士大師國際音樂比賽的第一名及「最佳參賽選手獎」, YAMAHA 歐洲音樂基金獎第一名以及比利時世界馬林巴琴比賽的獲獎者等。出生於香港,傅貝怡以優異成績於香港演藝學院獲得音樂學士學位。隨後前往比利時的魯汶藝術大學繼續深造,主修馬林巴琴演奏和室內樂,並皆以最優異成績獲得兩個碩士學位。她的敲擊樂導師包括 Alan Cumberland(定音鼓)、龍向榮博士(西洋敲擊樂)、閰學敏(中國敲擊樂)及世界著名馬林巴琴演奏家 Ludwig Albert。她的演出遍及各地,曾在奧地利、比利時、捷克、法國、德國、希臘、匈牙利、愛爾蘭、意大利、韓國、拉脫維亞、盧森堡、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄羅斯、斯洛文尼亞、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、荷蘭、 土耳其、中國內地、英國及美國等多個國家演出。同時她也是 Adams Musical Instruments(荷蘭)、Pearl Drum Europe 和 Innovative Percussion(美國)的代言藝術家,進一步肯定了她在當代敲擊樂音樂界的地位。


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