Elise Liu
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Elise Liu is an award-winning percussion soloist, chamber musician and educator. She has received top prizes in several international competitions including First Prize at the Australian Marimba Competition in 2019, First Prize at the Italy Percussion Competition (Marimba Class A) in 2013 and Young International Musician of the Year at the 70th Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod in Wales. Her distinctions in Hong Kong include the Student of the Year Award for Performing Artist (SCMP and Hong Kong Jockey Club 2015), winner of the RTHK Radio 4 Young Music Makers 2015 and winner of the 2016 Parsons Music Scholarship for Wind, Brass and Percussion (Open Class Competition of the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival). Elise Liu holds a Bachelor of Music from the Eastman School of Music and a Master of Music from the Haute école de musique de Lausanne in Switzerland. Her mentors include Michael Burritt, Emmanuel Séjourné, Vassilena Serafimova, Arnaud Stachnick and Simone Rubino. She is a recipient of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund, the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence, the Bernard van Zuiden Music Fund and the Dean’s Performance Award from the Eastman School of Music.
香港土生土長的廖智敏是一位敲擊樂獨奏家、室內樂演奏家和教育家。她的音樂才華及造詣在國際舞台上獲得廣泛認可,包括 2019 年澳洲馬林巴琴大賽冠軍,2013 年意大利敲擊樂比賽冠軍(馬林巴琴A組)以及於英國威爾斯舉行的第70界靈閣嶺國際音樂節年度傑出青少年音樂家。此外, 她在香港獲得各項殊榮, 包括2015年南華早報及香港賽馬會 年度傑出學生獎 表演藝術組別冠軍 , 香港電台第四台樂壇新秀2015 以及 2016年校際音樂節柏斯音樂獎學金(管樂、銅管樂及敲擊樂) 公開組別冠軍。廖智敏先後於美國伊斯曼音樂學院和瑞士洛桑高等音樂學院獲得音樂學士、碩士學位,並師隨多位著名敲擊樂家和教育家,包括Michael Burritt、Emmanuel Séjourné、Vassilena Serafimova、Arnaud Stachnick和Simone Rubino。海外留學期間, 她獲得香港賽馬會音 樂及舞蹈信託基金獎學金、香港卓越獎學金、萬瑞庭音樂基金獎學金以及 伊斯曼音樂學院院長演奏獎的全額學費資助。