Why Subscribe?
Book ahead of counter sales and enjoy the best seats in your chosen price category
Receive the tickets by post or collect them prior to the concert
Enjoy a 20% discount for bookings to one or more programmes
Only subscribers can exchange pre-paid tickets for another programme
How to Subscribe?
1. DOWNLOAD the Booking Form
2. FILL IN the Booking Form and SUBMIT by POST with a crossed cheque or by EMAIL with your bank transfer payment slip*
3. SIT BACK & RELAX. Your tickets will arrive two weeks before the scheduled concert at the address stated on your booking form
Payment Methods
Crossed Cheque
please made payable to
What happens if I cannot attend my subscribed concert?
Subscription tickets are non-refundable in full or part. Consider exchanging your ticket/s for another subscription concert within the same season (subject to availability). There are no fees for this service however additional costs apply if a higher price ticket is requested in exchange. If a lower price ticket is requested, a refund of the difference does not apply. Five working days notice is required for ticket exchanges.
What happens if the concert is cancelled?
If the concert is cancelled due COVID-19 or for any other reason, subscription tickets will be refunded in full or exchanged for another programme at request. Tickets purchased via URBTIX or other official ticketing outlets will be fully refunded provided clear evidence of the ticket purchase is provided. A deadline of two months after the concert date applies for each refund claim and CCOHK’s decision on this matter is final.
What happens if I lose my subscription tickets?
Subscribers should report lost subscription tickets at least two working days before the concert to obtain a lost ticket letter for admission to the venue.
For all enquiries regarding our subscription plan and/or to report lost tickets or organize ticket exchanges please contact our CCOHK office:
Tel 2864 2151/Email info@ccohk.com
Contact Information
City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong Limited
31/F One Island East,
18 Westlands Road,
Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Tel 2864 2151
Fax 2250 7338