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Zita Yang


Zita Yang was born in China and began playing the violin at the age of six. In 2011 she graduated from the attached middle school of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music with a distinction in violin performance. In 2011 she came to Hong Kong to study with Michael Ma at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) and graduated with a Bachelor of Music (Honours) and a Master of Music degree in violin performance. During her studies Zita Yang was awarded several scholarships by the HKAPA including the SAR Philharmonic Scholarship, the Academy Development Fund Scholarship, the Society of HKAPA Non-local Scholarship and the School of Music Scholarship. She participated in masterclasses with the American, Miami, Shanghai and Endellion String Quartets and the Horszowski Trio. She also participated in orchestral workshops led by Trevor Pinnock, Jaap Van Zweden and Krzysztof Penderecki. Zita Yang has performed at many renowned music festivals overseas and in China including the Great Wall International Music Academy in Beijing, the Brevard Music Center Summer Festival, the Kent Blossom Music Festival with the Cleveland Orchestra, the KUANDU Arts Festival, The Hong Kong Arts Festival and the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennale in Japan. She joined City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2019.



陽芊生於中國,六歲開始學習小提琴,2011 年以小提琴演奏科優異的成績畢業於武漢音樂學院附中。她於2011年入讀香港演藝學院,師從馬忠為,獲音樂學士(榮譽)及音樂碩士學位。陽芊在演藝學院就讀期間獲多個獎學金,包括香港愛樂團、演藝音樂學院、演藝發展基金、演藝學院友誼社外地生獎學金等。曾參加多個大師班,例如林耀基、童衛東、黃濱、美國弦樂四重奏、瑪雅弦樂四重奏、邁阿密弦樂四重奏、上海四重奏、奧利安弦樂四重奏、安得里昂四重奏、霍斯佐夫斯基三重奏。她亦參於平諾克、梵志登及潘德列茨基所指揮的交響樂工作坊。陽芊曾在中國和海外多個音樂節演出,包括北京長城國際音樂營、美國布瓦得音樂中心的夏季音樂節、美國肯特州立大學的蓓蕾音樂節與克利夫蘭交響樂團同台演出、台灣關渡藝術節、香港藝術節、日本越後妻有大地藝術祭。2019年加入香港城市室樂團。

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