Juan Carmona
Juan Carmona was born in Spain and holds a Bachelor of Music Degree from the Badajoz Music Conservatoire (Spain) and a Master of Music degree from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance (London). His violin teachers included Olga Vilkomirskaia (pupil of David Oistrakh) and John Crawford. He also studied conducting with Jonathan Tilbrook. During his studies he received coaching and masterclasses from internationally renowned musicians including Michael Thomas (Brodsy Quartet), Elena Mikhailovskaya, Miguel Pérez-Espejo Cárdenas, Igor Sulyga (Kopelman Quartet), Levon Chilingirian, Detlef Hahn and Zsolt-Tihamér Visontay among others. He was awarded First Prize at the Acordes Caja Madrid National Chamber Music Competition in 2007, and was a finalist at the Vera Kantrovich Competition in London in 2013 and at the Ruperto Chapi International Music Competition in Villena in 2002. He has performed with the Almeria City Orchestra under the baton of Michael Thomas, the Murcia Symphony Orchestra, the Extremadura Baroque Orchestra and the London Firebird Orchestra, among others. Juan Carmona became a member of City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2017.
賈約翰生於西班牙,於西班牙巴達荷斯音樂學院獲音樂學士學位,其後從倫敦的聖三一拉邦音樂舞蹈學院音樂舞蹈學院考獲音樂碩士。他的小提琴老師包括大衛‧奧斯札克和約翰‧哥羅福的門生奧爾嘉‧韋歌密斯佳雅;又曾隨莊納頓‧狄爾布祿克學習指揮。在學期間,他接受了很多名師指導,並在多位國際知名音樂家的大師班上深造,包括:博斯基四重奏的米高‧湯馬士、艾蓮娜‧米契洛夫斯嘉雅、米蓋爾‧佩羅斯‧艾斯佩荷、高普曼四重奏的伊果‧蘇利加、雷方‧捷利知倫、特勒夫‧漢恩、蘇特-狄漢默‧韋桑泰等。他於2007年參加雅戈德斯‧卡赫‧馬德里國家室樂比賽,奪得桂冠;2013年在倫敦的維拉‧簡曹維克比賽中進入決賽;2002年也在西班牙的比列納參加盧帕圖‧查彼國際音樂比賽,進入決 賽。迄今他已經與多個樂團合作演奏音樂,包括在米高‧湯馬士指揮下的艾梅里亞市樂團、穆爾西亞交響樂團、埃斯特馬杜拉巴羅克樂團、倫敦火鳥樂團等。賈約翰於2017年加入香港城市室樂團。