Eugene Yuen
Principal Cello
Born in Hong Kong, Eugene Yuen studied cello with Nicholas Tzavaras from the Shanghai Quartet and graduated from the Montclair State University Cali School of Music with a bachelor's degree in cello performance. He also holds a Masters of Music from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music where he studied with Julian Smiles of the Goldner Quartet on a full scholarship. His Hong Kong mentors include Anna Kwan and Timothy Frank. Eugene Yuen has held principal positions at the Round Top Festival (2016) and Texas Music Festival (2019) and has performed at the Red Rocks Chamber Music Institute. He is a first prize winner at the Princess Galyani Vadhana International Ensemble Competition in 2014, 2015 and 2022. In Australia he performed with the Opera Australia Orchestra. Eugene Yuen was appointed principal cellist of the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in 2024.
袁乙熙出生於香港,師從「上海四重奏」(Shanghai Quartet) 的尼古拉斯‧扎瓦拉斯(Nicholas Tzavaras)學習大提琴,並以大提琴演奏專業學士身份畢業於蒙特克萊州立大學卡利音樂學院。隨後,他獲得全額獎學金修畢悉尼音樂學院音樂碩士,師從「郭德納四重奏」(Goldner Quartet)的朱利安‧斯邁斯(Julian Smiles)。他在香港的啟蒙導師包括關統安(Anna Kwan) 和霍添(Timothy Frank)。袁氏曾擔任2019 年德薩斯州音樂節(Texas Music Festival)和2016年朗德托普音樂節(Round Top Festival)的首席大提琴手,並在紅石室樂學院(Red Rocks Chamber Music Institute)演出。他分別在 2014年、2015年和2022年的甘拉雅妮‧瓦塔娜公主國際合奏比賽中獲得第一名 。他亦曾與澳洲歌劇團管弦樂團合作演出。袁氏於2024年獲任命為香港城市室內樂團的首席大提琴手。