Andrea Pino
Principal Double Bass
Andrea Pino was born in Taranto in the South of Italy and graduated in double bass performance from the State Conservatory of Music Gioachino Rossini in Pesaro. He completed his postgraduate studies in solo performance at the Accademia Musicale in Florence and in orchestral training at the Arturo Toscanini Foundation in Parma. Andrea Pino has performed with numerous orchestras including the Orchestra Internazionale d'Italia, the Giuseppe Verdi Symphony Orchestra in Milan, the Teatro Regio Orchestra in Turin and the Arturo Toscanini Philharmonic Orchestra in Parma. Since 2006 he has served as principal bassist of the Teatro La Fenice Orchestra in Venice, and has also performed for the Teatro alla Scala and the Teatro Lirico in Milan, Teatro Regio in Parma, Teatro Alighieri in Ravenna and the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa. Andrea Pino has performed on tour in Switzerland, Germany, France, India, Thailand, China and Malaysia, and has worked under the baton of distinguished conductors including Riccardo Muti, Ennio Morricone, Isaac Karabtchevsky, Patrick Fournillier and Myung-Whun Chung. He is currently professor in double bass at the State Conservatory of Music Giovanni Paisiello and principal bass of the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 2014.
平安諾生於意大利南部的塔蘭托,於佩薩羅的羅西尼國立音樂學院以低音大提琴演奏專業,之後於佛羅倫斯音樂學院修畢獨奏研究課程,並在帕爾瑪的托斯卡尼尼基金會修完管弦樂培訓。平安諾曾與無數樂團合奏,包括意大利國際樂團、米蘭的威爾第交響樂團、都靈的皇家劇院樂團、帕爾瑪的托斯卡尼尼愛樂樂團等。他自2006年起出任威尼斯鳳凰劇院樂團的低音大提琴首席,同時替米蘭的大劇院和抒情劇院、帕爾瑪的皇家劇院、拉韋納的但丁劇院、熱那亞的費里齊劇院演奏。此外,他亦多次到瑞士、德國、法國、印度、泰國、中國和馬來西亞巡迴表演,亦在多位著名指揮家如梅狄、莫里康尼 、卡勒札夫斯基、富尼利耶、鄭明勳等率領下演出。平安諾現為帕伊謝洛國立音樂學院低音大提琴教授,並於2014年起擔任香港城市室樂團為低音大提琴首席。