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Kateřina Englichová


Winner of the Classic Prague Award, Kateřina Englichová is one of the most sought-after harpists of her generation and a prolific recording artist. She appears on more than 40 recordings for labels including Supraphon, Harmonia Mundi, Discover International, Exton Japan and Arco Diva. Her outstanding career as a chamber musician includes regular concerts as a member of the Bohemia-Luxembourg Trio, the oboe-harp duo with Czech oboist Vilém Veverka and K2, the vocal-harp duo with Czech soprano Kateřina Kněžíková. She has also collaborated with Mstislav Rostropovitch, Josef Suk, Cynthia Phelps, Carol Wincenc, the Skampa Quartet, Pražák Quartet and the Haas Quartet. Kateřina Englichova is a recipient of the Pro Musicis International Award in New York and the Angel Music Award 2024 for her Britten recording with the Martinů Voices. She has given concerts and recitals in Europe, Japan, New Zealand and the USA, and has served on the jury for The International Harp Contest in Israel. She has appeared as a soloist with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Budapest Symphony Orchestra, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Suk Chamber Orchestra and City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong, among others. Kateřina Englichová has premiered many contemporary works written for her by Luboš Sluka, Jindřich Feld and Zdeněk Lukáš. She studied at the Prague Conservatoire, the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia on a Fulbright fellowship, and at the Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler in Berlin. She has been professor of harp at the Prague Conservatory since 2020.



嘉黛蓮娜‧英格列霍娃是布拉格古典音樂大獎的得主,為同輩中最經常獲邀演出的豎琴手之一,灌錄的唱片數量甚豐,為多家唱片公司錄製的專輯超過40張,品牌包括Supraphon、Harmonia Mundi、Discover International、Exton Japan 和 Arco Diva等。她經常與波西米亞-盧森堡三重奏、與捷克雙簧管演奏家偉林‧維維卡的雙簧管-豎琴二重奏,以及與捷克女高音嘉黛蓮娜‧克內日科娃組成的K2聲樂-豎琴二重奏共同演出室樂。此外,她還曾經與羅斯特羅波維奇、約瑟夫‧蘇克、辛西婭‧菲爾普斯、卡羅爾‧溫森克、斯坎帕四重奏、布拉日克四重奏、哈斯四重奏等合作。嘉黛蓮娜曾榮獲紐約Pro Musicis國際音樂獎和2024年天使音樂獎,該獎項因她與Martinů合唱團錄製的布里頓專輯而頒發給她。她曾在歐洲、日本、新西蘭和美國舉行音樂會和獨奏會,並曾擔任以色列國際豎琴大賽的評委。她還曾與費城管弦樂團、布達佩斯交響樂團、捷克愛樂樂團、蘇克室樂團以及香港城市室樂團等樂團合作演出。嘉黛蓮娜曾首演過許多專為她創作的當代作品,包括盧博什‧斯盧卡、金德里克‧費爾德和茲德涅克‧盧卡斯的作品。她在布拉格音樂學院、費城的柯蒂斯音樂學院(Fulbright獎學金支持下)以及柏林漢斯‧艾斯勒音樂學院學習。她自2020年起,在布拉格音樂學院擔任豎琴教授。


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