Gabriel Ma
Gabriel Ma is a tenor and choral conductor. Born in Hong Kong, he studied singing under Professor Carlos Montané at the Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University Bloomington, where he received both his bachelor’s and master’s music degrees in Vocal Performance with a minor in Choral Conducting. He also holds a Master of Arts in Arts Administration from the Paul H. O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. From 2020 to 2023, he was a member of the Hong Kong Grand Opera’s Young Artist Programme. Gabriel Ma’s roles on the operatic stage and in concert include Nadir in Bizet’s The Pearl Fishers, Eisenstein in Strauss’ Die Fledermaus, Tamino and Monostatos in Mozart’s The Magic Flute and Don Basilio and Don Curzio in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro. More recently, he has performed selections from Franz Schubert’s Winterreise with pianist Dr. Helen Cha for Musica del Cuore. Gabriel Ma now serves as a choir conductor for the St. Francis’ Canossian School and the Vienna Boys Choir Music Academy’s outreach programme. Twenty years ago, he was the first boy soprano selected to sing “Walking in the Air” in “The Snowman” in Hong Kong. He is delighted to return to the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong to sing the tenor solo in “The Bear”.
馬貫華是一位香港土生土長的男高音和合唱指揮。馬氏畢業於美國印第安納大學的積可斯音樂學院及保羅·亨利·歐尼爾公共與環境事務學院,師隨著名美籍古巴男高音 Carlos Montané 並獲得聲樂演出及藝術管理雙碩士,副修合唱指揮。馬氏為香港大歌劇院2020-2023年度年輕歌唱家計劃成員並曾參與多套歌劇及選段的演出,包括:比才《採珠人》的 納迪爾、施特勞斯《蝙蝠》的 艾森史坦男爵、莫札特《魔笛》的塔米諾及摩羅、莫札特《費加洛的婚禮》的唐‧巴西利奧及唐‧庫吉歐。馬氏亦剛於本月與著名鋼琴家查海倫博士在「樂‧心」音樂會系列中演唱舒伯特的聯篇歌曲《冬之旅》的前十二首選曲。二十年前,馬氏為首演《雪人》中 Walking in the Air 的男童女高音。今年他應邀重返香港城市室樂團並於《熊》中擔任男高音 獨唱。