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Claudio Hoffmann & Cinzia Lombardi

tango dancers

Claudio Hoffmann and Cinzia Lombardi are internationally acclaimed tango dancers, choreographers, producers and teachers. They have appeared worldwide as a solo duo in Stars of the 21st Century at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées in Paris, The Finnish National Opera and Ballet in Helsinki and at the Lincoln Center Theater. They have performed with The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, the Montevideo Symphony Orchestra and The National Chamber Orchestra of Armenia. Italian Champion of Argentine Tango 2012, Cinzia Lombardi dances with the Tango Seducción company. Claudio Hoffmann is founder of Tango Metrópolis and a lead dancer for Tango Pasión, Tangokinesis and Tanguísimo. His credits as choreographer include the documentary film Tango: The Spirit of Argentina” for PBS and SUR for the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. In August 2024 Claudio Hoffmann and Cinzia Lombardi premiered En tus Brazos at the Tarbes en Tango Festival in France.



卡羅迪奧‧荷夫曼和辛西婭‧隆巴迪都是享譽國際的探戈舞蹈家、編舞、製作人及導師。他們曾以獨舞身分在世界各地演出,包括巴黎香榭麗舍劇院的二十一世紀群星會、赫爾辛基的芬蘭歌劇及芭蕾舞團,以及林肯中心劇院;也曾和三藩市交響樂團、蒙特維多交響樂團和亞美尼亞國家室樂團合作演出。隆巴迪是意大利阿根廷探戈2012大賽的冠軍,是探戈誘惑舞團成員。荷夫曼是探戈大都會舞團的創辦人,探戈熱情舞團、探戈運動舞團和非常探戈舞團的首席舞者。他的編舞作品包括PBS 電視紀錄片《探戈:阿根廷的靈魂》和莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團的《SUR》。2024年八月,荷夫曼和隆巴迪二人在法國的塔布探戈節中首演他們的合編的《在你懷抱》。


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