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Candice Moore


Candice Moore is an experienced director and actor from Edinburgh, Scotland. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Dramatic Studies from The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and a Master of Arts Degree in Theatre Directing with Merit from Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London. Her acting roles include Mrs. Gobshka in The Overcoat (Theatre du Pif), Annie Wilkes in Misery (Wordybird Theatre Company), Helen in Orphans (Hong Kong Players), Nurse Ratched in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (Naiad Productions), The Wicked Witch of the West in The Wizard of Oz (AFTEC), Judy Garland in Lions, Typhoons and Judy, Oh My! (Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd/Golden Voice Entertainment) and Schwartz in Horizontal Collaboration (Traverse Theatre) for the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. For CCOHK she appeared as the Empress Maria Theresa in Haydn & The Prince in 2022. Her directing credits include Faith Healer for Theatre du Pif, Jay Christopher's Hong Kong Love Stories, The Elephant Song for Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts and Glorious! for Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd. She has also collaborated with The Secret Theatre Project Hong Kong as casting director for The Great Gatsby held at The Peninsula and as casting director, co-director and actress for Code 2024 held at Tai Kwun. Candice Moore has received multiple awards at the Hong Kong English Language Drama Awards including Best Actor in Macbeth, Best Director and Best Production (Non-Musical Category) for Doubt and Best Actress in Iron. She is currently the Founder and Director of Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd and a highly sought-after voice artist and presenter for television, radio, film, video games and commercials.



簡迪文來自蘇格蘭愛丁堡,在戲劇表演與導演方面有豐富經驗。她畢業於蘇格蘭皇家音樂學院,主修戲劇研究,考取藝術學士學位;其後又在倫敦的山景戲劇藝術學院以優異成績考獲藝術碩士學位,專攻戲劇導演。她演過的角色包括:《外套》的葛舒卡太太(進劇場);《危情十日》的安妮‧威克斯(Wordybird Theatre Company);《Orphans》的海倫(Hong Kong Players);《飛越瘋人院》的護士拉契特(Naiad Productions);《綠野仙蹤》的西方女巫(AFTEC);《Lions, Typhoons and Judy, Oh My!》的茱地嘉蘭(Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd/Golden Voice Entertainment);為愛丁堡藝穗節製作的《橫向合作》飾演舒華茲(橫貫劇場);《海頓與親王》的瑪莉亞‧泰麗莎女皇(香港城市室樂團2022年)。她所執導的作品,包括進劇場的《Faith Healer》;Jay Christopher的《香港愛情故事》;山景戲劇藝術學院的《大象之歌》;Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd 的《輝煌!》。她又曾與互動劇場香港站合作,為《大亨小傳》在半島酒店的演出擔任選角導演;又為《Code 2024》擔任選角導演、聯合導演及女演員,該劇曾在大館演出。簡迪文屢在香港英語戲劇節奪取獎項,包括最佳演員(《麥克白》)、最佳導演及最佳製作(非音樂類)(《Doubt》)、最佳女演員(《Iron》)。目前她是Sweet and Sour Productions Ltd的創辦人兼導演,同時也是位炙手可熱的配音員和節目主持,遊走於電視、電台、電影、電子遊戲和廣告之間。


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